Nous Papers d_Ovnis
Magazine:Nous Papers d_Ovnis

Revista sobre fenòmens estranys

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Publisher:CEI. Centre d’Estudis Interplanetaris, Barcelona
Issue:No 9 Desembre
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Gerard CASADEMONL’ovni de Matadepera de 19697-50
Abstract: The aim of this article is to present several different texts – and their graphic material – related to a UFO case that occurred more than 50 years ago, specifi call in the closing days of January 1969, at Matadepera, in the Vallès Occidental County. Moreover, the search for possible evidence of a landing yielded that some curious marks on the ground were found, close to where the witness stood when she had the sighting. The article tries to be a historical and documentary contribution, as well as provide some conclusions based on the reproduced content.
Jordi ARDANUYEl fenomen lluminós de Tarragona d’octubre de 192650-66
Abstract: Information is collected on a remarkable observation in the sky which appears in an 18th century manuscript. The news was first released in 1980.
Centre d’Estudis InterplanetarisObservacions ovni a Catalunya (2022)67-68
Abstract: This paper summarizes the information of 11 UFO sightings collected by CEI in 2022 at the national level. Most are concentrated in the first half of the year, especially in the summer. Unlike previous years, daytime cases predominate. When the data is sufficient, the explanations are quite simple
Jordi ARDANUYLa correspondència de Juli Roca dirigida a Vicente Juan Ballester entre 1968 i 197369-147
Abstract: The activities and practices developed by people interested in paranormal topics and the occult sciences in general are rarely studied, as they are considered of minority interest and away from the mainstream of thought. This is especially true in our country in which there have been no leading figures at the international level or with a relevant influence. In this context, this paper analyses the content of the correspondence that the Catalan ufologist and parapsychologist Juli Roca Muntañola sent to the Spanish counterpart Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos between 1969 and 1973. The results show the way of thinking of one of the opinion leaders in the parasciences at that time in Catalonia, as well as some paranormal legends that prevailed at that time and that continued to be active for two decades, such as the case of the missing technician from the Vandellòs nuclear power plant; the Tivissa UFO sightings; or the existence of an extraordinary cave in the vicinity of this town.

Blog del CEI
Fotografies de no identifi cats sobre Ullastrell, al Vallès Occidental148-149
Traspàs de Maties Morey150-151

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