Journal of Scientific Exploration
Magazine:Journal of Scientific Exploration

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Issue:Volume 20 Number 4
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Review Article
Michael D. SWORDSUfology: What Have We Learned? 545-589
Abstract: A reasonable case can be made that those of us who have dedicated a serious amount of research time to the study of ufology have learned the following: 1. That the phenomenon is a true, ongoing mystery, and is deserving of serious study; 2. How it has happened that even good (open-minded) scientists have been thrown off the subject; 3. That the "Extraterrestrial Hypothesis" (ETH) may be able to serve as a working model for what is going on but not in any simple-minded form; 4. That the field is almost impossible to study in any "conservative" (physical sciencesllab-top) type of way, barring rare cases of certain "close encounters." There are many other historical, sociological, epistemological things that we have learned. This review will focus its remarks around the four categories mentioned above.

Kevin D. RANDLEKarl Pflock (1943-2006)590-592