International UFO Reporter
Editor: Jerome CLARK, George M. EBERHART, Mark RODEGHIER
Magazine:International UFO Reporter

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Issue:Volume 33 number 3 December
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Júlio Miguel GUERRACircled by a UFO 3+21

Jerome CLARKMystery aeronauts of Texas 4-7+21
International UFO Reporter Volume 33 number 4 May/2011 - Mystery airships

Mark RODEGHIERVehicle interference near Sézanne 8-9

Book Review
Mark RODEGHIERHunting Marfa Lights, by James Bunnell. Benbrook, Texas: Lacey Publishing, 200910-12
Thomas E. BULLARDJerome CLARK, Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds 12-16
Review: Jerome CLARK,Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds - 2010
Jerome CLARKJacques VALLÉE, Chris AUBECK, Wonders in the Sky 16-19
Review: Jacques VALLÉE, Chris AUBECK,Wonders in the Sky - 2010

UNM Roswell site report 19

Flawed memory20
International UFO Reporter Volume 33 number 2 July/2010 - NARCAP's Project Sphere [Haines, Richard F.]

Arsenic and mono lake 20

Frank John REIDBrian Boldman 21

Carl W. FEINDTBeam of light into a body of water 22-24

UFO-Nyt folds 24