| | Editorial |
| Jerome CLARK | Ill breeze | 3+23 |
| | Related: International UFO Reporter Volume 13 number 3 May/June/1988 - Gulf Breeze
| |
| Donald A. JOHNSON | UFOs in Washington skies | 4-6 |
| Jerome CLARK | Coral E. Lorenzen (1925-1988); APRO (1952-1988) | 6+11+20 |
| Robert E. BARTHOLOMEW, Keith BASTERFIELD | Abduction states of consciousnes | 7-9+15 |
| | Related: International UFO Reporter Volume 13 number 3 May/June/1988 - Abduction states
| |
| Dennis STACY | Gulf Breeze: a note to the skeptical | 10-11 |
| Mark RODEGHIER | Gulf Breeze: a note to the committed | 12-13 |
| I. SCOTT | Bedroom light | 14-15 |
| | Related: International UFO Reporter Volume 13 number 4 July/August /1988 - Internal lighting
| |
| Chris RUTKOWSKI | CETI: communicating effectively with terrestrial intelligence | 16-18 |
| George M. EBERHART | The current literature | 19-20 |
| | Review: Brad STEIGER,THE FELLOWSHIP - Spiritual Contact between Humans and outer Space Beings - 1988, Jenny RANDLES,THE UFO CONSPIRACY - 1987, Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOS, Juan Antonio FERNANDEZ PERIS,ENCICLOPEDIA DE LOS ENCUENTROS CERCANOS CON OVNIS - 1987, Nigel WATSON,PHANTOM AERIAL FLAPS AND WAVES - 1987 | |