| | Editorial |
| Jerome CLARK | Passing of a pioneer | 3 |
| Hilary EVANS | Martians of the 1890s | 4-9 |
| (French translation OVNI Présence N. 52 décembre/1993 Mars et les médiums, pp. 4-12) |
| Rober J. KIRKPATRICK | The Heflin case: then and now | 10-13+19 |
| David M. JACOBS | Does UFO research have a future? | 14-17+21 |
| | Letters |
| | Letter Philip J. KLASS | 18-19 |
| | Related: International UFO Reporter Volume 11 number 4 July/August /1986 - Phil Klass and the Roswell incident: the skeptics deceived [Moore, William L.]
| |
| | Letter Robert M. COLLINS | 19 |
| | Letter Paul DEVEREUX | 19-20 |
| | Related: International UFO Reporter Volume 11 number 1 January/February /1986 - Earthlights, earthquakes,UFOs and TST [Rutkowski, Chris]
| |
| | Letter William CHALKER (Bill) Clifford | 20-21 |
| | Letter Patrick CRAIG | 21 |
| | CUFOS and ICUFOR | 21 |
| | News of note... |
| | CUFOS photo exhibit... | 22 |
| | Earth Lights available... | 22 |
| | Ron Miller joins IUR staff | 23 |
| Chris RUTKOWSKI | Ufology gets small | 24 |