| | Editorial |
| | New U.K. UFO Flap? | 1 |
| Contact I nt e rnation al It aly | Italian Skywatch Enigma | 2-4 |
| | Related: Awareness Vol 13 No 1 1984-5/1984 - Editorial
| |
| Joaquim FERNANDES | The "Apparitions of the Virgin" at Fatima Considered in Relation to the UFO Phenomena | 4-10 |
| | Related: Awareness Vol 12 No 4 1983-4/1983 - Letters to the Editor
| |
| M. SOPER | Support for Vallee's Hypothesys from an Unusual Quarter | 11-14 |
| B. J. BURDEN | The Origin of the Men In Black | 14-20 |
| | Related: Awareness Vol 13 No 1 1984-5/1984 - Letters to the Editor
| |
| | Classic UFO Cases Summary of Assessments | 20-21 |
| D. N. MANSELL | Classic UFO Cases | 22-23 |
| | Related: Awareness Vol 13 No 3 1984-5/1984 - Classical UFO Cases [Mansell, D. N.]
| |
| | | |
| | Letters to the Editor |
| | Letter Stephen McMURRAY | 23-24 |
| | Related: Awareness Vol 12 No 4 1983-4/1983 - The "Apparitions of the Virgin" at Fatima [Fernandes, Joaquim]
| |
| | Letter Brian BURDEN | 24 |
| | Advertisements | 25 |