Northern echoes
Peter ROGERSON Believe Me - Or Else! 2+13
Martin KOTTMEYER Heading Towards the FutureVaricose Brains: Part Two 3-10
Jenny RANDLES AC in DCJenny Randles finds American ufology going in two directions, and meets the new rich kid on the block 11-13 (Spanish/Catalan translation CdU - Suplemento Internacional N. 6 /2000 AC en DC, pp. 18-22 )
Readers' Letters
Letter Chris ALLAN , Henry O'HARA , Jenny RANDLES 14
Book Reviews
Peter ROGERSON Richard F. HAINES, CE-5: CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FIFTH KIND 15 Review: Richard F. HAINES,CE-5: CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FIFTH KIND - 1998 Peter ROGERSON John F. SCHUESSLER, THE CASH-LANDRUM UFO INCIDENT- Three Texans Are Injured During A Encounter With A UFO And Military Helicopters 15-16 Review: John F. SCHUESSLER,THE CASH-LANDRUM UFO INCIDENT- Three Texans Are Injured During A Encounter With A UFO And Military Helicopters - 1998 Peter ROGERSON Anthony McCARTEN, SPINNERS 16 Review: Anthony McCARTEN,SPINNERS - 1998 Peter ROGERSON Dyan Elliott. Fallen Bodies, sexuality and demonology in the Middle Ages. 1999 16 Peter ROGERSON Keith BASTERFIELD, UFOS: A REPORT ON AUSTRALIAN ENCOUNTERS 16 Review: Keith BASTERFIELD,UFOS: A REPORT ON AUSTRALIAN ENCOUNTERS - 1997 Peter ROGERSON Jerome CLARK, UNEXPLAINED! 17 Review: Jerome CLARK,UNEXPLAINED! - 1993 Peter ROGERSON Donald D. Hoffman. Visual Intelligence: how we create what we see. W.W. Norton, 1998 17 Peter ROGERSON Nicholas GOODRICK-CLARKE, HITLER'S PRIESTESS 17 Review: Nicholas GOODRICK-CLARKE,HITLER'S PRIESTESS - 1998 Peter ROGERSON Anomalist (No. 7, Winter 1998-9) 18 Peter ROGERSON Loren COLEMAN, Patrick HUYGHE, THE FIELD GUIDE TO BIGFOOT, YETI, AND OTHER MYSTERY PRIMATES WORLWIDE 19 Review: Loren COLEMAN, Patrick HUYGHE,THE FIELD GUIDE TO BIGFOOT, YETI, AND OTHER MYSTERY PRIMATES WORLWIDE - 1999 Peter ROGERSON Armen Victorian. Mind Controllers. Vision, 1999
Tim Swartz. Evil Agenda of the Secret Government: exposing Project Paper Clip and underground UFO bases of Hitler's elite scientific corps. Global Communication, 1999 19 John HARNEY Lies, damned lies, and UFO crashes 20 Review: Nicholas REDFERN,COSMIC CRASHES - 1999