6th International Congress - UFO's The Global View
Author:John SPENCER (editor)
Title:6th International Congress - UFO's The Global View

August Sheffield 16,17,18 South Yorkshire 1991 England

Editor: John SPENCER
Related names: Walter H. ANDRUS, Thomas Eddie BULLARD, Thomas A. COOTE, S. J. GAMBLE, Cynthia HIND, Budd HOPKINS, Kathryn HOWARD, Bertil KUHLEMANN, Paul B. NORMAN, Ken PHILLIPS, Jenny RANDLES, Odd-Gunnard ROED, John SPENCER, Paul VANBRABANT
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Tag PDF: ABDUCTION pp. 5,25,26,27,44,45,46,47,48,64,65,66,69,74 ARNOLD p. 6 CONDON p. 28 CONTACTEE p. 69 HYNEK p. 29 KEEL p. 61 VALLEE pp. 54,62

John SPENCERForeword6-7

Major Sir Patrick Wall 8

Advertisements 9

Bertil KUHLEMANNThe UFO Phenomenon and its Meaning 10-11

Cynthia HINDTo believe or not to believe 12-16

Kathryn HOWARDOn the Edge of Earth 17-20

Jenny RANDLESCrop circles: the search for an answer 21-26

Paul NORMANUFO update from down under 27-34

Thomas A. COOTEThe Jamestown Incident 35-37

Walter H. ANDRUSThe Gulf Breeze sightings 38-43

Thomas E. BULLARDFolklore as an explanation for UFO abductions 44-48

Stephen J. GAMBLEComputerising UFO data: Applying low-cost computing to UFO research 49-54

Odd-Gunnard ROEDProject Hessdalen 55-58

Ken PHILLIPSThe Anamnesis Report 59-63

Budd HOPKINSWhat they're doing to us 64-69
UFO Brigantia N. 50 November /1991 - No child abuse in Iran [Hopkins, Budd]

Paul VANBRABANTThe Belgian UFO wave 70-73

A Close Encounter of the Musical Kind 74