| | Occupant Report From Yugoslavia | 1+3 |
| | "National Enquirer" Awards $5,000 | 1+4 |
| | The Piedmont, Missouri Mess | 1+3+4 |
| | Greenwell Resigns | 2 |
| | New Office Manager | 2 |
| | Apology | 2 |
| | Lorenzens to Visit Middlewest | 2 |
| | Organizational New and Notes | 2+4-5 |
| | New Policy | 3 |
| | Corrections | 4 |
| | Related: THE A.P.R.O. BULLETIN Vol. 21 N. 4 January-February /1973 - Primary Analysis Of 22 September 1972 Western Pacific API THE A.P.R.O. BULLETIN Vol. 21 N. 4 January-February /1973 - Strange Object Found on Moon
| |
| | Students Watch UFO in Rhode Island | 4 |
| | New Consultant | 5 |
| James A. HARDER | The Sedona "UFO Track" Photo | 5-6 |
| | Space Probe From Epsilon Bootis | 7-8 |
| | Related: THE A.P.R.O. BULLETIN Vol. 21 N. 4 January-February /1973 - Alien Space Probe Orbiting Earth?
| |
| | The APRO Seal | 8 |
| | Celestial Events June/July, 1973 | 9 |
| | APRO Informationsblatt Fur Osterreich | 9 |