Editor:Dwight Connelly

Immagine non disponibile3
Publisher:Mutual UFO Network
Issue:N. 427 November
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Tag PDF: ABDUCTION pp. 2,12,15,20,21 ARNOLD pp. 20,22 CONDON p. 24 HYNEK p. 15 SOCORRO pp. 18,19,20

Phyllis A. BUDINGERMost recent soil analysis in Delphos case continues to back accounts by witnesses3-6
Ron JOHNSONVerification of Ron Johnson's report
The "Wolf Girl" of Delphos

William PUCKETTWashington State sighting requires extensive work by investigator 6-8

Illinois objects remain unidentified 9

The UFO Press
Dwight CONNELLYTwo North Dakota youths encounter landed UFO
UFOs Are With Us—Take My Word by Leo Dworshak

Filer's Files
George A. FILERBlack void in Massachusetts12
George A. FILERPersonal look at Ohio videos12
George A. FILERCanada missing time injuries12-13
George A. FILERChina sends man into space13
George A. FILERMassachusetts boomerang13
George A. FILERActive light in New York13
George A. FILERNew Jersey windowed object13
George A. FILERArrowhead object in Florida13
George A. FILERSplitting lights in Florida13
George A. FILERPyramid object above Chicago13
George A. FILERCircular object above Chicago13
George A. FILERWisconsin display amazes13-14
George A. FILERLouisiana beam and balls14
George A. FILERArizona triangle14
George A. FILERFlying triangle in Romania14
George A. FILERAsimov's generation arks14
George A. FILERNew York flying triangle14
George A. FILERFlorida object zooms away14
George A. FILERTwin sighting in Australia14
George A. FILERLow light in Kentucky14

Ufology profile
Dwight CONNELLYBullard tops in abduction studies15

Constance Clear dies following accident 15

A view from Britain
Jenny RANDLESTransitions16+17

Scientists think that 25 percent of Sun-like stars have planets 17

Tom SHEETSGeorgia sighting being investigated 17

NASA tests first laser-powered plane 17

Stanton T. FRIEDMANAttacks on Barney Barnett18-19

Strange lights videotaped in Bahrain 19

Dennis BALTHASERFrom Arnold to Phoenix lights
Researcher selects ten favorite cases
About the author20

The Night Sky
Walter N. WEBBDecember21


John F. SCHUESSLERDirector's Message24+22