| Barry CHAMISH | Israel Return of the Biblical giants? | 3-6 |
| | Also printed Flying Saucer Review Vol. 44 N. 4 Winter/1999 - Israel: Return of the Biblical Giants? - Nothing to Celebrate! [Chamish, Barry], |
| | Water elsewhere in Universe raises expectations of life | 6 |
| Robert J. DURANT | Buzzes and smell in Strieber's Majestic | 7-9 |
| | Ufology profile |
| Dwight CONNELLY | Budd Hopkins | 10-11 |
| | MUFON Forum |
| | Letter Gildas BOURDAIS | 11 |
| | Ted Phillips establishes International Center for Physical Trace Research | 12 |
| | NASA interested in scientist who is working on gravity shield | 12 |
| | Donald E. Keyhoe Archives features many important items | 13 |
| | Strieber says Rosie O'Donnell to reveal close encounter | 13 |
| | Space Coast UFO Conference Oct. 9-11 | 13 |
| | The UFO Press |
| Hal PUTHOFF | Unconventional Flying Objects, by Paul Hill | 14-15 |
| (From: Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 10 No. 4, 1996. ) |
| | Corso swears he saw aliens | 15 |
| David T. SPENCER | Current Cases | 16 |
| Chris STYLES | Why no consensus on a psychological feature? | 17-18 |
| | Hollywood takes advantage of belief in UFO's | 18 |
| | MUFON Forum |
| | Letter Robert LIESER | 18 |
| | Leading astronomers report unexplained radio signals | 19 |
| (From: Sunday Times of London ) |
| | Mitchell to be featured at conference | 19 |
| | Vatican article misleading | 20 |
| | Related: MUFON UFO JOURNAL 362 June/1998 - Vatican theologian says UFOs are real [Boylan, Richard]
| |
| | Veteran newsperson McClendon does story on UFOs, secrecy | 20 |
| | Reader's Classifieds | 21 |
| | The Night Sky |
| Walter N. WEBB | August 1998 | 22 |
| | Scientist says life will be discovered | 22 |
| | Calendar | 23 |
| Walter ANDRUS | Director's Message | 24+23 |