| | From the Editor | 2 |
| Robert JACOBS | Deliberate Deception: The Big Sur UFO Filming A Critical Analysis of the Curious Events at Vandenberg Air Force Base in September, 1964 | 3-8 |
| | Related: MUFON UFO JOURNAL 251 March/1989 - Letters To The Editor
| |
| William L. MOORE | MJ-12: An Open Letter | 8-9 |
| Leonard H. STRINGFIELD | UFO Crash/Retrievals: Is The Coverup Lid Lifting? Status Report V | 10-14 |
| (French translation Lumières dans la nuit Année 32 N. 296 Mars-Avril/1989 Crashes et récupérations d'ovnis: un coin du voile se soulèverait-il?, pp. 7-14) |
| Raymond FOWLER | An Ordinary" UFO | 14-15 |
| Richard DELL'AQUILA | Ohio Flap | 15-17 |
| Michael A. PERSINGER | Health Effects: A Response | 17-18 |
| Donald A. JOHNSON | Survey of Ufologists and Beliefs in Unexplained Phenomena | 18-21 |
| Lucius FARISH | In Others' Words | 21 |
| Bob GRIBBLE | Looking Back | 2123 |
| Walter N. WEBB | The Night Sky | 22-23 |
| Walt ANDRUS | Director's Message | 24 +23 |