| | From the Editor | 2 |
| Paul CERNY | Close Encounter at Colusa | 3-4 |
| | May and June issues combined | 3 |
| | Chinese UFO Film | 4 |
| | 1985 Symposium | 4 |
| | Transcript of Hickson-Parker interrogation The Air Force and Pascagoula | 5-10 |
| Bob GRIBBLE | UFO Hotline Reports | 10+11 |
| | British Gov't Released UFO Files | 11+12 |
| | Lab Result of 1966 "Swampgas Case" | 12-13+14 |
| | Cigar-shaped Object in Texas | 14-15+16 |
| | Richard Hall Honored | 15 |
| | The Day UFOs Flew Over SAC Headquarters | 16-17 |
| | Clear Intent Available | 17 |
| | Letters |
| | Letter Thomas B. BURCH, Kathryn McCAMPBELL, Joe Kirk THOMAS, Diane L. WOELFEL | 18-19 |
| Walt ANDRUS | Director's Message | 20+19 |