| | From the Editor | 2 |
| K. BASTERFIELD, Bill CHALKER | New Physical Evidence Cases in Australia | 3+4 |
| Budd HOPKINS | Probable Childhood Abducton | 4+5+6 |
| Stuart CAMPBELL | The Credibility of UFO Hypotheses | 6-10 |
| | UFO Data Mart | 10 |
| | California Report |
| Ann DRUFFEL | Controversial Entity Photos from California Part II | 11-13+14 |
| | | |
| Paul CERNY | 1947 Crashed Saucer Report | 14 |
| Mildred BIESELE | Sisters Watch Object Over Des Moines | 14+15 |
| Isabel DAVIS | Movie Review | 15 |
| | New Award for UFO Articles Announcing: the Alvin H. Lawson UFO Research Award | 16 |
| | Astronomy Notes |
| Mark R. HERBSTRITT | The Sky for february 1981 | 16 |
| | Letter |
| | A World UFO Organization | 16 |
| | Book Review |
| Dennis STACY | D. Scott ROGO (ed.), UFO ABDUCTIONS - True Cases of Alien Kidnappings | 17+18 |
| | Review: D. Scott ROGO (ed.),UFO ABDUCTIONS - True Cases of Alien Kidnappings - 1980 | |
| | 1980 Brief Subject Index MUFON UFO Journal Nos, 143-154 | 18 |
| Lucius FARISH | In Others' Words | 19 |
| | 1981 Symposium Sidelights | 19 |
| Walt ANDRUS | Director's Message | 20+17 |