| Claude MACDUFF | Canadian power faillures and UFO sightings | 1-5 |
| Yusuke J. MATSUMURA | UFOs Pictured over Japan Press and Police photographs snap strange objects over Toyama City and Nagai City | 5-6 |
| Nigel RIMES | A Persistant Prowler at Sousas | 7-9 |
| Ivan CLARK | Did a UFO land in their front garden? A new physical trace incident reported from South Africa | 9-10 |
| Gordon CREIGHTON | Puerto rico Plagued by Gas and Torchlight | 10-13 |
| Sebastian ROBIOU LAMARCHE | A Hight Altitude Object Photographed over Puerto Rico | 14-15 |
| | Readers' Reports |
| | More than moonshine | 16 |
| | A revisitation | 16 |
| Oscar A. URIONDO | Preliminary Catalogue of Type 1 cases in Argentina - Part 5 | 17+iii |
| | | |