| G. C. | Editorial | 1 |
| Keith BASTERFIELD | Australian Abduction Research, 1993-1994 | 1-3 |
| Peter HATTWIG | A Noteworthy UFO Sighting over Germany (1993) | 4-5 |
| (From: Deguforum Issue 11 /1996 UFOs über Braunschweig, pp. 27-28 ) |
| Peter A. BOSTROM | Close Encounter in Cambodia - 1971 (Abstract) | 6-11 |
| | Related: The UFO Enigma Volume 10 no 2 October/1989 - Close Encounter in Cambodia - 1971 [Bostrom, Peter A.] The UFO Enigma Volume 10 no 3 November/1989 - Close Encounter in Cambodia - 1971 [Bostrom, Peter A.] The UFO Enigma Volume 10 no 4 December/1989 - Close Encounter in Cambodia - 1971 [Bostrom, Peter A.]
| |
| | |
| Cyril MARYSTONE | Wishful-Thinking and Self-Deception | 12 |
| Budd HOPKINS | I. Abduction and Deception | 12-15 |
| (From: IUR Sept-Oct 1990 ) |
| Cyril MARYSTONE | II. Wishful-Thinking and Self-Deception of Abductees and Ufologists | 15-19 |
| Cyril MARYSTONE | III. A List of Suggested Delusions Created or Promoted by the Aliens | 19-20 |
| Don WORLEY | Examin the Mystery of the "Para-Apes" | 20-24 |
| Reinhard NÜHLEN | UFOs Escorting Russian Space Station? | |
| (From: Deguforum Issue 11 /1996 Mysteriöse Flugobjekte begleiten Raumstation MIR, pp. 26 Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON) |
| | Related: Flying Saucer Review Vol. 42 N. 2 Summer/1997 - MIR Space Station Correction
| |
| G. C. | Latest News | 26 |