| Eugene STEINBERG | Editorial | 4 |
| John A. KEEL | The ufological population | 5-6 |
| | Convention roundup |
| Lucius FARISH | The Midwest UFO Symposium | 7-8 |
| Geneva STEINBERG | How I Spent My Summer Vacantion (Including 10th Annual National Summer Conference) | 8-10+19 |
| Leo Louis MARTELLO | Witchcraft: who, what and why? (No.4) | 11 |
| Jerome EDEN | The Stumbling-block in Mysticism | 12-13 |
| Richard S. SHAVER | Minds versus computers | 14+19-20 |
| Curtis K. SUTHERLY | In memory of Ivan T. Sanderson | 15+20 |
| William MOSER | A Transplutonians | 16+20-21 |
| Paul J. BRACZYK | FORT-IFICATIONS (No. 1) | 17-19 |
| | Culture Corner |
| Curtis K. SUTHERLY | Jadoo | 22 |
| | Review: John KEEL,JADOO - 1957 | |
| Steve ERDMANN | Me and the orgon, by Orson Bean | 22-23 |
| Steve ERDMANN | Satan's assassins, by Brad Steiger and Warren Smith | 23-24 |
| Geneva STEINBERG | Review Wilburn Burchette | 24 |
| | Letters to the Editors |
| | Letter Lars-Uno BERNHARDSSON, Robert E. DICKHOFF, Samuel R. FAIRES, Tom FOGG, Morris KATZEN, Serge V. KING, Dewey SCHLEY CARROLL, Peter SCHOONROCK | 26-28 |
| ERS | Flashes | 29 |
| | Newswatch |
| | The Missouri UFO flap | 30-32 |
| | That mysterious grave in Texas | 32-33 |
| | The petuxant fishing pond UFO | 33 |
| | Law socks it to stranges | 33 |