| Eugene STEINBERG | Editorial | 4-5 |
| Curtis K. SUTHERLY | ABSM's & Mystery Cats | 6-8+19-20 |
| Eugene STEINBERG | The Ringing Rock Revisited OR, Exploding A Few Myths | 9 |
| Columba KREBS | Invisible Hands | 10+20 |
| Richard S. SHAVER | On The Matter Of Projection | 11+20 |
| Dennis STAMEY | Third of a Series Birth, Death & Resurrection | 12-14+20+21 |
| Richard E. WIPLASH | Satire Naked came the Fortean | 15-16 |
| | | |
| | The Ego Corner |
| Geneva STEINBERG | Zombies of the world, awake? The Ballad of Us and Them | 17-19 |
| | Letters to the Editors |
| | Letter Dulcie BROWN, Steve ERDMANN, Morris KATZEN, John A. KEEL | 21-26 |
| | Culture Corner |
| Eugene STEINBERG | The UFO experience | 27-29 |
| | Review: J. Allen HYNEK,THE UFO EXPERIENCE - 1972 | |
| Steve ERDMANN | The crack in the cosmic egg | 29-30 |
| | Caveat Emptor Newswatch |
| | Saucer Hodgepodge | 31 |
| | Mars: chapter three | 31-32 |
| | With the greatest of ease... | 32 |
| | Spooks cavort at West Point | 32 |
| | S-F & Psychics | 32-33 |
| | Caveat Emptor Presents these outstanding books | |