Caveat Emptor
Editor: Gene STEINBERG
Magazine:Caveat Emptor

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Issue:N. 2 Winter
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Culture Corner
Philip CESTLLINGThe Wright Field Story2+25-27

Eugene STEINBERGEditorial4-5

John A. KEELUfology in retrospect 6-13+27

The Caveat Emptor Interview
Muhammed Ali (Cassius Clay)14+27

Richard S. SHAVERA reply to the Ray Palmer interview 16-18

Kenneth ALPERTThe search for the hidden world 19-22+27

Geneva STEINBERGWomen's liberation - where we stand now
(And Why Do We Stand For It?)

Letters to the Editors
Letter Gray BARKER, Philip CESTLING, George W. VAN TASSEL28-30

Caveat Emptor Newswatch
The strange case of dr. J. E. McDonald30
The flight of the UFOs30-31
Congress Wrap31
List price $4.00 - now oly $7.531
World field research revisited32
Indians in Nashville?32
They are here to help us- not harm us32
Your tax dollars at work32

Miscellaneus trivia32