| | Editorial |
| | The problem of protection, and the "call from sleep" | 1-2 |
| | Yet another new consultant for FSR | 2 |
| Richard F. HAINES | Some multiple sightings from Bluebook's files | 3-7 |
| | Spanish Woman Recalls Abduction 36 Years Ago | 8-9 |
| (Italian translation Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XV N. 169 Ottobre/1985 Una donna spagnola ricorda un abduction di 36 anni fa, pp. 13-14) |
| Gordon CREIGHTON | A new Brazilian "A.V.B." | 9-11 |
| | |
| Timothy GOOD | Lou Zinsstag (1905-1984) An Appreciation by Timothy Good | 12 |
| G.c. | Lou Zinsstag | 13+28 |
| | Remarkable confirmation for Adamski? An important Brazilian contact case of 1957 | 13-16 |
| Allen J. HYNEK | Myopia When he was lunching with us in London last September, Dr. Hynek gave us a copy of this excellent piece, which he has already used as an Editorial in his own Journal, The International UFO Reporter | 17-18 |
| Jean SIDER | Some reflections on Charles Fort: the Worcester fishmonger & the Norfolk gamekeeper | 18-24 |
| (From: Lumières dans la nuit Année 25 N. 217-218 Juillet-Août/1982 Le poissonnier de Worcester et le garde-chasse du Norfolk, pp. 10-14 Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON) |
| I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS | Book review | 24 |
| | Book:Berthold Eric SCHWARZ,UFO DYNAMICS - Psychiatric and Psychic Aspects of the UFO Syndrome - 1983 | |
| Cliff SMITH | Scientists establish UFO watch | 25 |
| G.c. | Friends or foes?: those invisible squadrons overhead | 26-27 |
| W. K. ALLAN | More on the Vancouver Island UFO photo | 27 |
| | Mail Bag |
| | The UFO Entities and the Jinns | iii |
| | Missing Photographic Evidence in Australia | iii |